Monday 14 December 2020

Are you up for a challenge? (Ch 14)

 Luke Chapter 14

v1-14 - A challenge to live filled with compassion (1-6), humility (7-11), and generosity (12-14).
v15-24 - A challenge to stop making excuses and come into the Kingdom, join the feast.
v25-35 - A challenge to give up everything to follow Jesus.

REFLECTION: Jesus never claimed it was easy to enter, or to live in, the kingdom of God.
What challenges do I need to hear today? 
What am I holding on to that might keep me from Jesus? v27v v33
What excuses am I making for not coming to Jesus, - possesions v18, activities v19, people v20
What attitudes am I not showing which are part of living for Jesus? Compassion, Humility, and generosity.

PRAYER: Loving Heavenly Father thank you that you love us as we are but you love us too much to leave us as we are. That is why you challenge our unwillingness to forsake all to follow you and to take up our cross for you. Lord today show us how you want us to do this. Forgive me for the excuses I make for not coming to you and I pray for all who are allowing possessions, activities, or people to keep them from coming to Jesus. Lord move in their hearts so that they might come and know the joy of the feast. As I seek to grow in my relationship with you Lord. Work in my life to produce compassion, humility, and generosity so that many would see you at work and be drawn to Jesus.  In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

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