Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Praying for a party (Ch 15)

 Luke Chapter 15

v1-2 Muttering about who Jesus is welcoming? - poor reputation, different political allegiances, hurt them or their friends (financially at least). 
v5-7 One sheep in a hundred - Joy in heaven when a sinner repents v7.
v8-10 One coin in ten - Joy among the angels when a sinner repents v10.
v11-31 One son in two - Joy of the father when a lost son is found v32.

So how do I respond to those who are lost? Do I follow a nursery rhyme or the teaching of Jesus?
The nursery Rhyne approach
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep
and doesn't know where to find them.
Leave them alone and they'll come home
wagging their tails behind them.
The teaching of Jesus 
go after the lost sheep until you find it,
Joyfully carry it home,
call everyone and have a party 
Are we working and praying for a party and who will we welcome and rejoice over?

PRAYER: Loving Heavenly Father thank you that every time a lost sinner repents and comes to Jesus, heaven rejoices, the angels rejoice and you rejoice. May my life of repentance brings joy to your heart today. May many more come to repent and trust Jesus this Christmas so that heaven, and angels, and you can rejoice over them. Lord help me to quit my muttering about who you are welcoming to yourself.  Help me to see the ways in which you want me to go after the lost, find them, and carry them home. Lord, thank you for those who did that for me, parents, pastors, friends, teachers, youth leaders, and others. Raise up in these days many in our church family, in our community, and in our world with this heart to go, find, and carry the lost home. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

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