Luke Chapter 2
INTRODUCTION: A rich Chapter indeed. (i) v1-20 - Those
wonderful and familiar verses about the birth of Jesus and the shepherds in the
fields. “A saviour has been born” v11. (ii) v21-38 - Simeon and Anna those
Godly seniors in the temple. Declaring Jesus as “A light for the gentiles” v32
and speaking of him to all who were looking for redemption v38. (iii) v39-52 –
As this child who was born grows up strong, wise and full of grace v40. Even the teachers were amazed at his understanding
v47 and he grew in favour with God v52
REFLECTION: Behind all the events of this passage I
am struck by the earthly parents of Jesus. How often did they wonder how it would all turn out? That difficult journey of some 70
miles with Mary expecting a baby who was then born in a manger (v4,7). Mary
pondering all that happened in her heart (v19). Their humble obedience in naming
the child and presenting him at the temple (v21-23, 39). Their faithfulness in family
worship in particular that journey each year to Jerusalem (v41). How must they
have felt when they lost Jesus (v45) and when they did not understand him (v50).
In all the challenges of parenting Mary “treasured all these things in her
heart” (v51). While there is much we don’t know about those years and how it
was for Mary and Joseph we see that steady faithfulness and heartfelt love for
Jesus and trust in God that all of us who are parents (or grandparents) need.
PRAYER: Lord thank you for those of the next
generations that you have brought into our lives. We pray for those you have given
us responsibility for and the opportunity to influence. In those times when the
journey is hard, strengthen us to keep going. Help us to be an
example of faithfulness to them in our worship and obedience. In those moments when we
feel they are lost and we do not understand them, teach us how to keep them in
our hearts. Lord work in our hearts to build that steady faithfulness and
heartfelt love so we might be used by you in the lives of others. In Jesus Name
we pray AMEN
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