Tuesday 8 December 2020

Is your Jesus powerful? (Ch 8)

 Luke Chapter 8

v1-3 What privilege to travel with Jesus as he preached the good news - receiving and giving to Jesus. 
v4-15 What opportunity as God's word comes to us - to have hearts like good soil producing a harvest. 
v16-18 What responsibility as we listen to God's word -  to share it like a light for others to 'see'. 
v19-21 What privilege we have when we hear and practise God's word - we are part of his family. 
v22-25 What power Jesus has over nature - the winds and the waves obey him. 
v26-38 What power Jesus has over demons - leaving the man in his right mind to share what God had done for him with his family. 
v40-56 What power Jesus has over sickness and even death itself - As the woman touched him and then he says 'My child get up'. 

REFLECTION: Do we ever think if only Jesus walked on earth today everyone would believe. I wonder would it really be easier form any to believe and to trust? 
v24 The disciples have faltering faith - It is as if they say "we have seen Jesus do amazing things, but nothing can help us in the storm we are facing right now"?
v37 The people send Jesus away v37 - They had seen a man saved from demonic possession, the power of Jesus was clear yet they did not want Jesus.
v44 The woman touches his cloak - She believes Jesus can help but wants to slip away, she did not want or perhaps feel worthy to be known by Jesus.
v53 At Jairus' house they laugh at Jesus - The very idea that Jesus could waken the girl from this kind of sleep was beyond belief.
v56 The parents are astonished - Their child had life because of Jesus.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father as we read of the power of Jesus help us to remember that he is the same yesterday today and forever. Jesus is the healer and giver of life. So we pray for those who need your touch today because of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual sickness. Lord, we ask you to graciously and powerfully say to them 'My child - get up'. Jesus is powerful over the devil and his demons. So we pray for those who are held in bondage today, who are trapped in addictions, who are slaves to sin, who have been blinded to the light, who are deaf to your voice. We ask that Jesus would powerfully break into the lives and restore them. Jesus is powerful over every storm. Lord, you know the storms that we face today, personally, at home, at work, in our community and our world. Lord. give us faith to believe we are safe with you and you are able to still the storm. Lord may we know your power today. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

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