Thursday, 24 December 2020

Listening to Jesus? (Ch 24)

Luke Chapter 24

v1-8 - Women discover the empty tomb and are told Jesus has risen.
v9-12 - They return to the disciples who think they are talking nonsense but Peter runs to the tomb.
v13-27 - Two disciples walking to Emmaus meet the risen Jesus but do not recognise him.
v28-32 - They arrive and sit down for a meal and recognise Jesus as he breaks the bread.
v33-49 - They return to tell the others and Jesus appears to them too.
v50-53 Jesus ascends into heaven.

REFLECTION: Walking with Jesus and listening to his word.
So often Jesus had explained things to the disciples. Now Jesus had been crucified, we know he had risen but soon Jesus would leave them to ascend to heaven (v51) How would they then understand? When the word that became flesh was no longer with them they needed to learn to search the scriptures the word God has given for us today.
As the account of the two waking on the road unfolds -
(i) They do not recognise Jesus but that seems deliberate (v16)
(ii) They do not understand Jesus had died to redeem to save (v20-21)
(iii) Jesus then points them to the scriptures for the answer (v27) why not just let them see who he was and that he had risen. It seems he was teaching them to look in the scripture for answers.
(iv) He does reveal who he is as they sit at the table (v31)
(v) Then they said, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the scriptures to us?" I long for that as I read the scriptures that Jesus by the power of his spirit would open my eyes and heart to God.
(vi) Later he opened the minds of the other disciples to understand the scriptures (v45)

Loving Heavenly Father, as I walk and do not understand what is happening to me and around me draw alongside me by your spirit. I might look for many things but help me to allow you to point me to your word and use your spirit to open my heart and mind. When I wonder where Jesus is may my heart burn within me as you speak to me help me to see Jesus. Thank you for this Gospel written by Luke and all it teaches us about Jesus. Help me to take the time to listen each day to the word you have for me. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen


Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Jesus was born for this. (Ch 23)

 Luke Chapter 23

v1-25 - False accusations (v2), passing the buck (v7, 11), injustice (v14, v25). How could this happen - perhaps we should ask Jesus (see Ch 18v31-32)
v26-43 - Jesus is led to his death with two criminals and one finds paradise.
v44-49 - As Jesus dies there is darkness (v44),  the temple curtain is torn (v45), he speaks to his father (v46), and the centurion cries out (v47).
v50-56 - Joseph and the women make practical arrangements to bury Jesus, there is no doubt he has died.

REFLECTION: While all of us are born and will one day die, Jesus was born to die.
There are so many things wrong with the trial of Jesus and his death sentence. It was clear to all he did not deserve to die - even the criminal on the cross said "we are punished justly for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But his man has done nothing wrong." (v40)
The sinless son of God, hung there for me, I deserved death, he took my place, so I might know life.
The curtain was torn in two as Jesus opened the way for us to enter God's presence through his blood shed for us. In this dark hour, he took the punishment for my sin so that I could go free when I trust in him. Jesus, thank you, Jesus, thank you.

Heavenly Father, thank you that you so loved the world that you sent your one and only son into this world, to die for me. Thank you that by his death he took the punishment I deserved so all who believe in him will not perish but have everlasting life. As Christmas draws near and we remember the savour in a manger, may your spirit move in many hearts to look to that same savour on the cross and come to know life in his name. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

A friend of Jesus? (Ch 22)

Luke Chapter 22

SUMMARY: As Jesus approaches the final hours before his death we find these remarkable scenes among his disciples. 
v1-5 Judas overcome by satan for money agrees to betray Jesus.
v7-23 As Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples and institutes what we know as communion. with the shadow of betrayal in the room (v22-23)
v24-30 The disciples at this moment are more interested in which of them is the greatest and Jesus rebukes them.
v31-38 Simon Peter is unaware of the danger and his limitations and the emptiness of his words in v33
v39-46 His disciples in the battle they faced were sleeping instead of praying.
v47-53 Judas betray Jesus and John in his Gospel tells us it is Simon Peter who resorts to violence.
v54-62 While the rest of the disciples are nowhere to be seen Peter follows as Jesus is led away but then denies he ever knew Jesus.
v63-65 With his followers scattered Jesus is beaten, mocked and insulted. 

REFLECTION: How would you have felt if this had been your friends' behaviour?
(i) Sold out for money (v5),
(ii) More interested in who is the greatest as you face betrayal (v24)
(iii) Speaking bold words of loyalty which you know will not materialise (v33)
(iv) Sleeping as you wrestle in prayer (v46)
(v) Pretending to show love as they stab you in the back (48)
(vi) Afraid to admit that they know you. (v57, 58, 60).
Before we are too hard on these disciples and especially Peter did you notice v62 - When Peter realised what he had done 'he wept bitterly'.
When did I last do that when I let Jesus down?

Heavenly Father, as we come to you the holy and perfect one, constant in you faithfulness, eternal in you love, generous in your grace so we realise our weakness and our wandering. We realise our need for salvation, forgiveness and strength in Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice for us on the cross. Yet so often like these disciples, like Peter, we have sold you out to gain something else, we have become full of our own importance we have spoken what turned out to be empty words, faltered in our commitment to prayer, been ashamed to speak of knowing you. Lord as we realise what we have done give us hearts like Peter who wept bitterly. As we do we ask that you will restore us as you did Peter, and use for your glory. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

Monday, 21 December 2020

Be careful ... watch and pray. (Ch 21)

 Luke Chapter 21

SUMMARY:  Things are not always as they seem to us.
v1-4 The poor widow gave more than all the others.
v5-6 A beautiful building is not what we should focus on.
v7-11 Not all who say 'I am he' should be followed.
v12-18 In the face of great difficulty and even death we are safe v18.
v20-24 The surrounding of Jerusalem is not the end of God's people.
v25-36 Signs to look for does not lessen the need be ready at any time (v36) [Jesus is returning and 'this generation', that is the Jewish people (or perhaps the church), will not pass away until he does.]

REFLECTION: This chapter begins and ends with two beautiful examples. The widow's giving (v2) and the people listening to Jesus (38).  In between, we learn what will happen before Jesus returns. There is much could be said but we should focus on what it means for us today?
While -
(i) Beautiful buildings will not last (v6),
(ii) deceivers will come (v8),
(iii) there will be difficult days (v11, v12, v16, v17, v24)
We should take heart and not be afraid (v9) -
(i) Jesus will give us words and wisdom (v15)
(ii) We are safe when we are in Jesus (v18) [note even those who face death are safe] because
(iii) We have LIFE in his name if we stand firm (v19)
(iv) When the end comes 'redemption is near' [that final redemption from the presence of sin as we enter our eternal rest]
(v) As we are careful (v34) by watching and praying we will escape destruction and stand before Jesus (v36)

Heavenly Father, as we come to you this picture of destruction, deception, danger and even death can unsettle out hearts. It reminds us of many who not just in history but in this time face great opposition and danger as they follow Jesus. Heavenly Father we pray for them today, give them words and wisdom, keep them safe, assure them of LIFE in your name, and that redemption is near. Encourage them as they watch and pray. Heavenly Father in the challenges we face today, help us today to be careful our hearts do not become weighed down by the anxieties of life but help us and those we love to watch and pray and keep looking to Jesus. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

Sunday, 20 December 2020

What is the real question? (20)

 Luke Chapter 20

SUMMARY:  A chapter full of questions - mainly for those who are asking.
v1-8 - What authority does Jesus have? What about John?
v9-19 - What is this parable really about, and who is the son?
v20-26 - Can they trap Jesus with clever questions about money and politics?
v27-39 - Will Jesus get drawn into their abstract theological discussions?
v41-47 - Will they find an answer to Jesus or just keep to hollow pretence?

In v1-8 - Jesus is asked about this authority? Jesus then asks what they think about John?
It seems Jesus won't answer them if they won't answer him (v8) - but read on ...
In v9-19 is the answer, and the question it leaves us is simple. What will you do with the son? 

We can challenge the authority of Jesus as he lays claim to be king in our lives - but he is the son and the heir. What will you do with the son? 
We can try all kinds of tricks, political division, logical contradiction,...  to avoid the question but it is still there. 
What will you do with the son? 
When will we stop the questions (v39) and listen to Jesus? - He is God the Son (v44) 

Heavenly Father, as we come to you we confess that so often we are quick to questions and slow to listen. We are swift to challenge and find it hard to submit. Thank you that Jesus is God the Son, he has authority over us, forgive us for the many times we ant to rule our own lives and turn away from your way for us. Help us to stop questioning and to listen. We pray for all who fill the silence with endless questions and so avoid hearing the call of Jesus. Today may they reach the end of questions and find in Jesus the answer. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

Saturday, 19 December 2020

Who is King for you? (Ch 19)

 Luke Chapter 19

SUMMARY:  Will we have Jesus as our King?
v1-9 - A sinner welcomes the King (v6) and is saved (v9)
v11-27 - Some didn't want that king (v14) and are killed (v27)
v28-44 - The crowd shout for the King (v38) and don't know what it means (v41)
v45- The people hang on every word of the King (v48)

REFLECTION: This chapter has king Jesus in view. Not everyone welcomed Jesus or wanted him to be their King. That sinner Zacchaeus welcomed Jesus and was saved. Jesus had come to seek and to save the lost like him v10. Soon the people will welcome Jesus into Jerusalem as King v38, and there are those who will seek to kill Jesus v47. So Jesus tells this powerful parable because "the people thought the kingdom of God was going to appear at once". Jesus would be king but not at that moment first he must go away and return v12. What that means is hidden from their eyes but it will bring them peace v41. Jesus had talked about it in Ch 18v31-34. Jesus would die and rise again and build his kingdom in the hearts and lives of all who trust in him. Those who seek him as king will know salvation and reward when he returns as king. Those who did not want him to be king over them will face death. Who is king for you? are we found today hanging on every word of JESUS v48? 

Heavenly Father, we come to you and to Jesus as King. Thank you that we now know what would bring peace. Jesus went to his death for us and came back from the dead so that we can know forgiveness and peace with you. Thank you that Jesus is building his kingdom in the lives of all who submit to his rule today. Thank you that when he returns to rule and reign over all things, we will enter into our reward. Lord help us as we eagerly await, to hang on every word of Jesus and to use every gift you have given us, for you Glory. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

Friday, 18 December 2020

The Journey of Faith (Ch 18)

 Luke Chapter 18

SUMMARY:  Consider what this chapter says about Faith
v1-8 - Faith is persistent in prayer - (v8)
v9-14 - Faith is humble of heart - have mercy on me a sinner (v13)
v18-30 - Faith is childlike - (v17) trusting
v31-34 - Faith is wanting Jesus more than anything (v22)
v35-43 - Faith in Jesus is about understanding his death (v34)
v35-43 - Faith asks Jesus for mercy (v38) 

REFLECTION: As I look back through that list and start from the bottom it reminds me that faith leads us on a journey to discover God. A God who hears and answers the prayers of his children.
cries out for mercy, 
understands that Jesus died and rose again for me
reaches that point of wanting Jesus more than anything else
takes that step of childlike faith of trusting in what Jesus has done
is humble and realises that as a sinner we need to be saved
discovers who God is 
and when it realise God's love and justice, that he cares about us faith will persevere in prayer.

Heavenly Father thank you for that journey of faith that leads us to you through Jesus your son.
Today we pray for all who are on this journey of faith.
Those who have realised they need your help - Lord help them to understand what Jesus did for them.
Those who have looked to the cross - help them to know that Jesus is more precious than anything which might hold them back.
Those who have realised Jesus is the answer - give them childlike faith to trust Him.
Those who have stepped forward to trust Jesus - grant them a humble and repentant heart.
And all who have come in faith to Jesus - help them to know you better each day so that they will persevere in prayer to you thier loving Heavenly Father. 
In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Your faith has made you whole. (Ch 17)

 Luke Chapter 17

v1-10 - Living for Jesus
- Means being careful about sin (v1-3), forgiving others 9v3-4), exercising faith (v5-6) and having a servant's heart (v7-10)?
v11-19 - Thankfulness to Jesus
- Means not just cleansed (v14) but 'made well' or 'made whole' (v19) (the same Greek word is used in Luke 19v10 where it is translated 'to save') 
v20-37 - Ready for Jesus
- Means like Noah and Lot - rescued from destruction (vv27, v29). 

As I reflect again on the ten leppers it strikes me that so many are like them, and I should not exclude myself.
(i) In times of need crying out to Jesus for help for 'pity' v(13). It may be a physical, emotional, relationships, or financial need that brings us to Jesus in prayer or to reach out to his people for their prayers.
(ii) Jesus is gracious and ensures we receive 'common grace' which 'cleanses' us (v14) and satisfies our present need. 
(iii) We go on our way not bothering Jesus again. (v17) Just content to be 'cleansed'. That immediate problem dealt with and it is as if we resolve not to turn to Jesus again until the next 'big need'.
(iv) What if we come back to Jesus and praising God and throw ourselves at Jesus's feet like the samaritan. (v15-16) Then 'faith' can make us 'whole'. 
The one lepper made whole - has a thankful and faith-based relationship with Jesus. (v19)
Will we resolve whenever Jesus touches our lives to always come back to Jesus with thankful praise and in faith seeking to be made whole in body, mind and soul. To live continually under his 'divine saving grace'.

PRAYER: Loving Heavenly Father we thank you that you are a God of grace. Thank you for the many times you have heard my cry for help, and the cry of family and friends. We remember so many times of 'common grace'; providing for our material needs, protecting us from physical harm, guiding us away from wrong, and developing the ability to heals us from sickness. Forgive us for the many times we fail to return to Jesus with praise, thanksgiving, and faith so we might know the true Joy of being made whole as we live in that constant thankful relationship of faith. May we today dwell in your 'diving saving grace' and may many be drawn, like this one samaritan, to Jesus in praise and faith and be made whole. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

What are we planning for? (Ch 16)

 Luke Chapter 16

v1-9 A manager with so little to commend him, at least he planned for the future. What about our eternity (v9)?
v10-18 Our attitude to money shows our heart (v15), a wrong heart cannot have eternal things (v11).
v19-31 Riches on earth makes no difference in eternity and God has given his word so people can prepare for eternity v29,31

Planning is very much part of the run-up to Christmas. We don't want to get caught without a present to give, or without a turkey to eat. The manager about to be turned out of his job and his home did not want to get caught with no friends and no place to live. More important than this is the need to prepare for eternity. Loving money (v14-15) or being rich (v19-23) will not help. Preparing for eternity is a matter of the heart (v15) and listening to the good news of the kingdom of God (v16) which is found in the bible (v31). It is about Jesus and what we do with the good news about him and will we repent?

PRAYER: Loving Heavenly Father there are so many things we plan for so carefully and yet we think so little of eternity and planning for that. We think carefully about how we will spend this Christmas, and talk about how we will leave the EU and we wonder how we will face the coming months. Thank you that you have those things in your hands and help us to trust you. Lord, you have placed in the hands of people the bible to read. You have given us the good news of the kingdom so we might listen and come to know Jesus. This Christmas we pray that in the midst of so many other messages and plans the good news will be clearly heard and many will come to repentance and faith in Jesus. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Praying for a party (Ch 15)

 Luke Chapter 15

v1-2 Muttering about who Jesus is welcoming? - poor reputation, different political allegiances, hurt them or their friends (financially at least). 
v5-7 One sheep in a hundred - Joy in heaven when a sinner repents v7.
v8-10 One coin in ten - Joy among the angels when a sinner repents v10.
v11-31 One son in two - Joy of the father when a lost son is found v32.

So how do I respond to those who are lost? Do I follow a nursery rhyme or the teaching of Jesus?
The nursery Rhyne approach
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep
and doesn't know where to find them.
Leave them alone and they'll come home
wagging their tails behind them.
The teaching of Jesus 
go after the lost sheep until you find it,
Joyfully carry it home,
call everyone and have a party 
Are we working and praying for a party and who will we welcome and rejoice over?

PRAYER: Loving Heavenly Father thank you that every time a lost sinner repents and comes to Jesus, heaven rejoices, the angels rejoice and you rejoice. May my life of repentance brings joy to your heart today. May many more come to repent and trust Jesus this Christmas so that heaven, and angels, and you can rejoice over them. Lord help me to quit my muttering about who you are welcoming to yourself.  Help me to see the ways in which you want me to go after the lost, find them, and carry them home. Lord, thank you for those who did that for me, parents, pastors, friends, teachers, youth leaders, and others. Raise up in these days many in our church family, in our community, and in our world with this heart to go, find, and carry the lost home. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

Monday, 14 December 2020

Are you up for a challenge? (Ch 14)

 Luke Chapter 14

v1-14 - A challenge to live filled with compassion (1-6), humility (7-11), and generosity (12-14).
v15-24 - A challenge to stop making excuses and come into the Kingdom, join the feast.
v25-35 - A challenge to give up everything to follow Jesus.

REFLECTION: Jesus never claimed it was easy to enter, or to live in, the kingdom of God.
What challenges do I need to hear today? 
What am I holding on to that might keep me from Jesus? v27v v33
What excuses am I making for not coming to Jesus, - possesions v18, activities v19, people v20
What attitudes am I not showing which are part of living for Jesus? Compassion, Humility, and generosity.

PRAYER: Loving Heavenly Father thank you that you love us as we are but you love us too much to leave us as we are. That is why you challenge our unwillingness to forsake all to follow you and to take up our cross for you. Lord today show us how you want us to do this. Forgive me for the excuses I make for not coming to you and I pray for all who are allowing possessions, activities, or people to keep them from coming to Jesus. Lord move in their hearts so that they might come and know the joy of the feast. As I seek to grow in my relationship with you Lord. Work in my life to produce compassion, humility, and generosity so that many would see you at work and be drawn to Jesus.  In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Full of sorrow like Jesus? (Ch 13)

Luke Chapter 13

v1-8 Repentance - What have I done with the need and the opportunity?
v10-17 Priorities - Am I just keeping my rules or concerned people are set free?
v18-21 Influence - Remember the kingdom of God is growing and spreading.
v22-30 Weeping - Make sure to enter the narrow door or miss out.
v31-35 Sorrow - Share the Saviour's sorrow over those who reject Jesus.

In v31-35 Not even threats and danger could keep Jesus from doing the work his father had sent him to do. So what are the things which cause me to feel like giving up? Weariness, discouragement, opposition, or fear. Having the heart of Jesus spurs us on in doing the work God has for us. In v34 Jesus is longing for people who were rejecting Him to be gathered into God's protection, for them to be saved. Lord may I never grow tired of praying, giving, and working for the salvation of souls.

PRAYER: Loving Heavenly Father thank you for those who prayed, gave, and worked that I might hear the good news and trust in Jesus. Thank you for Jesus who faced not just danger but his death for me so that salvation might be mine. Lord forgive me for the times when weariness, discouragement, opposition, or fear cause me to falter in serving you for the salvation of others. In these challenging times when restrictions mean that opportunities seem limited, teach us to redeem the time, to seize the moments, so that many children would be gathered under your saving and protecting wings. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

Saturday, 12 December 2020

What are you afraid of? (Ch 12)

 Luke Chapter 12

SUMMARY:  Five words summarise this chapter - Fear, Foolish, Faith, Faithfulness, Friendship
Fear - v1-3 Something we often fail to fear but should - hypocrisy
Fear - v4-7 Sometimes we fear the wrong person - the Devil, rather than live in awe of our God who cares.
Fear - v8-12 Often we fear speaking up for Jesus - don't and the Holy Spirit will help us.

Foolish - v13-21 A man described as being so poor he had nothing but money - how foolish he was.

Faith - v22-34 Let worry give way to faith in our God who knows and provides.

Faithfulness - v35-48 Be faithful in using what God has entrusted to us in time, talents, finance, and opportunity.

Friendship - v49-59 Jesus brings spiritual division between those who know him and don't v51 but always seek to be reconciled when we can v58

How often am I afraid of the wrong things? I don't see the danger of my hypocritical attitudes, of favouritism, shown, of self-interest served, of saying yes to some and no to others.
How often am I more concerned about my physical well-being than for my spiritual health? I wonder how much time I spend thinking, talking and acting on each.
How often when it comes to speaking for Jesus do I hesitate because of what others might think? A
s our society turns from God and turns against God, will I continue to share what is becoming an increasingly strange message?

PRAYER: Loving Heavenly Father thank you that perfect love casts out all fear and that your love for me is just that - perfect. I never need to be afraid when you are with me may I know your presence today.
Father as I rest secure in your love, teach me to be aware of those things that are a danger for me and for your Glory - my hypocrisy. Lord, so often I am blind to the ways I say one thing and then do another, how I have rules for one person and different ones for another, the times when I expect more of others than of myself - open my eyes, help me to repent and to honour you with a consistent life. 
Father forgive me for the times when I am more concerned about what might affect my body and show less regard for what will affect my soul. Teach me to treasure the real world more than the physical world, to live in the light of eternity each day.
Father thank you for the Hold Spirit and that you have promised to give us the power and courage and words when we speak for you. Lord today give us the opportunity to share what you mean to us with others. 
In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

Friday, 11 December 2020

A very powerful thing. (Ch 11)

 Luke Chapter 11

Lessons about prayer (i) v1-4 a pattern for prayer, (ii) 
v5-13 persistence and expectancy in prayer.
Lessons about power (i) v14-28 Jesus is stronger than Satan, (ii) v16, 29-32 power is not used to impress but power would raise Jesus from the dead (the sign of Jonah - v29)  (iii) v33-36 the power of light.
Rebukes for the legalist (Woe...) v37-54 (i) Look inside v39, (ii) Love God and Justice v42 (iii) Seek humility v43 (iv) Life is seen v44 (v) Listen to the TRUTH v47, (vi) Point others to the TRUTH  don't take IT away v52.

Three little verses about light speak powerfully. v34-36.  
A life full of light is a beautiful picture  v36 "if your whole body is full of light, and no part of if it dark, it will be completely lighted", a life that radiates for Jesus. 
What do I let into my life? v34 "Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are good, your whole body is full of light. But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness."
"Your eye is the lamp of your body."
When I see God's blessing - does thankfulness fill my heart?
When I see others succeed - does jealousy grow in my heart?
When I see the hardship of others - does compassion fill my heart?
When I see impurity - does my heart dwell there?
When I see other Christians - does that longing for fellowship draw me to them?
When I see others hurt those I love - does an unforgiving spirit take over my heart?
When is see... what do I see today and how is that filling my heart?
In so many ways the eye is the lamp of your body.

PRAYER: Loving Heavenly Father thank you Jesus the light of the world who came to bring light into the darkness of this world, community, lives, and hearts. As I look to Jesus now help me to turn from every darkness and to let your light shine in its place. Forgive me for harbouring jealousy, for dwelling on impurity and for living with an unforgiving heart. Help me to turn to your light and to learn humility, purity and forgiveness and let THE LIGHT shine in my heart. I pray for those who are struggling in darkness and seeking the light, may they find Jesus and find forgiveness, life and hope today. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Where do I find my Joy? (Ch 10)

 Luke Chapter 10

v1-16 Jesus sends the seventy-two out into the harvest like lambs among wolves. 
v17-24 They return rejoicing and Jesus reminds them of the greatest Joy.
v25-37 Jesus surprised people when asked how to enter that greatest Joy.
v38- 42 Martha is challenged to choose the one thing that is needed. Jesus.

REFLECTION: Imagine snakes trampled, the enemy defeated, nothing can harm us (v19) not even a virus. What could be better?  Jesus says rather 'rejoice that your names are written in heaven' (v20). But how can we inherit this eternal life (v25). Jesus tells us 'Love God and love my neighbour' (v27).  So often we set the bar of love too low and want to restrict who we love and how we love (v29). To show costly mercy to whoever God puts in your path is love (v33), 'do this and you will live' (v28). And when it comes to loving God, often we love to rush around and miss the one thing that is needed - to sit at the feet of Jesus (v42). Where is our Joy - spending time with Jesus, showing mercy to others, that our hope is heaven because when we trusted in Jesus our names were written there.

Heavenly Father while there are many things we are restricted from doing in these unsettling times we thank you for the opportunity to stop, sit and listen to Jesus. Help today to do this one thing that is needed.
Lord, I confess that while I might talk a lot about loving others I have much to learn. Forgive me for the times when I have walked by and failed to show mercy to those in need. Give me eyes to see the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those around me and the heart to reach out.
Lord thank you for so many things which bring joy to my heart today. As I rejoice in so many blessings, guard my heart so that it will always find the greatest Joy in the hope of heaven as I trust in Jesus. 
In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Focus on the big things? (Ch 9)

Luke Chapter 9

v1-9 The work of teaching and healing continues as the disciples are sent out.
v10-17 The sign performed points us again to who Jesus is.
v18-27 The big question is asked and answered by Peter and Jesus explains what it means.
v28-36 The big question is answered by God.
v37-43 The big question is answered by action.
v44-45 Jesus speaks again of the big reason he came (v22) and is not understood.
v46-62 The disciples, the samaritans and three men are all sidetracked by little things. 

REFLECTION: How often is my time and energy is spent on little things.
Who is Jesus? - that is the big question.
Why was he handed over to suffer? That was the big reason he came.
Every time I argue out of pride, every time I shun someone because of where they are going, every time I say to Jesus "first let me..." I have lost sight of the big question and the big reason that shapes everything. 
Jesus is "The Christ of God" the promised Messiah, and Jesus came to be handed over, to die and to rise again. So that we might deny self, take up our cross and follow him, and so in loosing our life save it. Today will I focus on the big things? 

PRAYER: Heavenly Father we thank you Jesus you son who you sent for us. Thank you that he suffered, was rejected, killed and rose agin for us. Forgive me for the many times my mind, heart and dreams are filled with little things and big things are pushed out. Show me today what it means for me to 'deny self', 'take up my cross' and 'follow Jesus'. Lord, when I am tempted to set my heart on gaining the world, remind me that to save my life I need to loose it for Jesus. May I never be ashamed of Jesus but speak clearly for him in all I do and say. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Is your Jesus powerful? (Ch 8)

 Luke Chapter 8

v1-3 What privilege to travel with Jesus as he preached the good news - receiving and giving to Jesus. 
v4-15 What opportunity as God's word comes to us - to have hearts like good soil producing a harvest. 
v16-18 What responsibility as we listen to God's word -  to share it like a light for others to 'see'. 
v19-21 What privilege we have when we hear and practise God's word - we are part of his family. 
v22-25 What power Jesus has over nature - the winds and the waves obey him. 
v26-38 What power Jesus has over demons - leaving the man in his right mind to share what God had done for him with his family. 
v40-56 What power Jesus has over sickness and even death itself - As the woman touched him and then he says 'My child get up'. 

REFLECTION: Do we ever think if only Jesus walked on earth today everyone would believe. I wonder would it really be easier form any to believe and to trust? 
v24 The disciples have faltering faith - It is as if they say "we have seen Jesus do amazing things, but nothing can help us in the storm we are facing right now"?
v37 The people send Jesus away v37 - They had seen a man saved from demonic possession, the power of Jesus was clear yet they did not want Jesus.
v44 The woman touches his cloak - She believes Jesus can help but wants to slip away, she did not want or perhaps feel worthy to be known by Jesus.
v53 At Jairus' house they laugh at Jesus - The very idea that Jesus could waken the girl from this kind of sleep was beyond belief.
v56 The parents are astonished - Their child had life because of Jesus.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father as we read of the power of Jesus help us to remember that he is the same yesterday today and forever. Jesus is the healer and giver of life. So we pray for those who need your touch today because of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual sickness. Lord, we ask you to graciously and powerfully say to them 'My child - get up'. Jesus is powerful over the devil and his demons. So we pray for those who are held in bondage today, who are trapped in addictions, who are slaves to sin, who have been blinded to the light, who are deaf to your voice. We ask that Jesus would powerfully break into the lives and restore them. Jesus is powerful over every storm. Lord, you know the storms that we face today, personally, at home, at work, in our community and our world. Lord. give us faith to believe we are safe with you and you are able to still the storm. Lord may we know your power today. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

Monday, 7 December 2020

What is my attitude to Jesus? (Ch 7)

Luke Chapter 7

INTRODUCTION – Notice all the attitudes to Jesus in this chapter. (i) v1-5 The Jewish elders saw Jesus as a healer they could persuade to help the worthy. (ii) v7-10 The centurion saw himself as unworthy and believed Jesus had authority to speak and it would happen. (ii) v11-15 The widow knew him as the one whose ‘heart went out to her’ and her son had life. (iv) v16-17 The people declared he was a prophet. (v) v18-24 John wanted to be sure Jesus was the ‘one who was to come’ the messiah. (vi) v24-36 The ‘people of this generation’ just wanted Jesus to dance to their tune. (v36-46) Simon wanted to be seen with Jesus but didn’t love Jesus. (vii) v37-50 The sinful woman Loved Jesus.

REFLECTION: What is my attitude to Jesus today?
If I think of my prayers are they my attempt to persuade Jesus to help me because I deserve better? Or do I believe that while I am not worthy his heart is turned towards me and for my good and his glory. Teach me to pray with great faith that Jesus can speak into my life and it will happen.
If I think of my expectations of Jesus, am I unsure of Jesus because he doesn’t fit my idea of a saviour or because he doesn’t dance to the latest tune.
If I think of my heart, how much do I love Jesus? Have we acknowledged our sin (v37), come to Jesus trusting for forgiveness (v48) and not holding back with a thankful heart given Jesus our all (v37-38). When someone loves Jesus like this he says “your faith has saved you; go in peace” (v50).

PRAYER: Heavenly Father I confess that I have seen so many of these attitudes and not just in those around me, in myself.  Forgive me for thinking too little of my sin and so too little of Jesus who gave his life so I could be forgiven. He paid the debt I could not pay, thank your Jesus. Help me to grow in my love for Jesus as I grow in my awareness of his forgiveness and redeeming work in my life. Lord each day as I seek to follow you, forgive me to the time I have simply wanted you to dance to my tune or felt I needed to persuade you someone is worthy of your help. Teach me to rest in Jesus as the one whose heart goes out to people, the one with authority, who give life and peace.   In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

Sunday, 6 December 2020

Building on the rock or without a foundation (Ch 6)

Luke Chapter 6

INTRODUCTION – Jesus chooses the 12 (v12-16) and his work of healing continues (v17-19) However, this chapter is packed with teaching.
(i) Keeping the sabbath special should not stop you from doing works of necessity and mercy (v1-11).
(ii) Blessing is found not in ‘living for the moment’ but with eternity in view (v17-26).
(iii) The love that we show should not be restricted but shown to all (v27-36).
(iv) Be careful in your attitude to the wrongs of others, remember forgiveness and self-examination is the key (v37-42).
(v) Fruit and obedience will show we have heard what Jesus says (v43-49)

REFLECTION: There are so many ways we try to wriggle out of what Jesus is teaching us. Works of necessity and mercy might not leave much time for God on his day.  We can expect to avoid being poor or hungry or sad or hated and yet always to be blessed. We can say we love everyone but practical love is too often withheld. We can jump on the ‘judge not’ phrase to justify an unaccountable life, but skim over the “forgive and you will be forgiven”. Yet the whole chapter concludes with the challenge to show fruit and obedience or fall like a house built without foundation. The rock is Jesus, and it is only when we build our life on him, we can understand and practice his teaching.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father thank you for Jesus and his teaching. As I reflect on these passages today open my eyes, my mind and my heart to see and understand and respond to what you are saying to me. Today is your day, help me to keep it special and to show mercy. You tell me that blessing is found in the unexpected places of poverty, hunger, sorrow and being hated. While I do not seek these things, give me strength when they come that I might know your blessing in them. Heavenly Father, as you teach me about relationships, help me to love and forgive as you want me to where you have placed me today. Grant me the faith and humility to plant my feet on the rock, to build my life in Jesus by faith and obedience, so that the fruit of the spirit might be increasingly seen in my life and heard on my lips.  In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Jesus is willing and able to… (Ch 5)

 Luke Chapter 5

INTRODUCTION -  What is the most important thing in our lives?
Having success?
- In v1-11 we see four fishermen catch a great number of fish and leave it all to fish for men.
The Sensational?
– In v12-16 we see a man healed of leprosy but Jesus encouraged him to keep it quiet.
Physical Health?
– In v17-26 yes Jesus heals a man who is paralysed but speaks to him first about forgiveness.
Feeling right?
– In v27-32 Jesus is found with sinners and says he can not help those who are [self] righteous.
Religious routines?
- In v33-38 Jesus points us away from rituals to living in relationship with Him.

REFLECTION: I love the words of the man to Jesus in v12 “Lord if you are willing you can …”,  and the reply of Jesus v13 “I am willing”.
Yes, Jesus heals that man and the paralytic in 25. However, there is no doubt that what is more important than success, or health is repentance v32 and forgiveness v20. What is more significant than rituals and success is a relationship with Jesus v34 and telling others about him v10.
If this chapter was just a story about a great catch of fish, restored health, and religious people fasting then we would have missed why Jesus was there.
We need Jesus to show us today the ways that we settle for less than the most important things. Things that Jesus is willing and able to do in us and through us.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father we thank you for your many blessings. The times of success and health. Thank you for your answers when we pray. As we give thanks, forgive us for the times we settle for less than what you are willing and able to do. Teach us to pray for the most important things. Thank you that Jesus came to call sinners to repentance – Lord today call many to yourself. Thank you that you have authority on earth to forgive sins because you died on the cross – lord may we know your forgiveness again today. Thank you that we can know your presence each day and that you call us to ‘catch men’ for you. Help us to live and speak in a way that draws people to Jesus.  In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

Friday, 4 December 2020

Responding to the good news, to Jesus (Ch4)

Luke Chapter 4

INTRODUCTION:  A chapter with different responses to Jesus. (i) v1-13 The devil is battling Jesus, (ii) v14-30 His home town is rejecting Jesus (v29), (iii) v31-37, 41 Demon are acknowledging Jesus (v34), (iv) Simon’s family are asking Jesus for help (v38) (v) v42-44 Jesus is sharing the good news which is that Jesus is the good news.

REFLECTION: It is amazing how often the good news doesn’t get a look in. Jesus is the good news he said he ‘must preach’ and the last thing Jesus did on earth was to tell us to keep sharing that good news (Mark 16v15). As we share the good news we must pray for those who are fighting with Jesus – trying to bring Jesus down rather than come to Him. Pray for those who are rejecting Jesus – having no thought or time for Jesus or having walked away from Jesus and his family. Pray for those who know who Jesus is but that is all, they have not yet trusted in Jesus. Pray for many to come and ask Jesus for his help – remember Jesus came to bring freedom, recovery and release (v18). Give thanks for so many who have come to Jesus and know him as lord and saviour as they have heard and responded to the good news.

PRAYER Heavenly Father as we thank you for Jesus and the Good news that He is. Thank you that in Jesus we can know freedom, recovery and release as we enter into the Kingdom of God. Today we bring before you by name those who are battling Jesus – bring them to that point of submission and trust in Jesus. We pray for those around us who seem to have rejected Jesus – work in their lives so that they realise their need of a saviour. For those who know who Jesus is but have not given their lives to him, we pray that you would work by the power of your spirit in their hearts and to save. And we bring those who are not part of your Kingdom and you have placed in our hearts before you praying that they would come and ask Jesus for help – and so experience freedom, recovery and release and know salvation.  In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Repentance, forgiveness, and signs (Ch 3)

Luke Chapter 3

INTRODUCTION:  So much here about Jesus (i) Jesus is announced from heaven as the son who God loves and is pleased with (v22). (ii) Jesus is more powerful than John, who is not worthy to untie his sandals (v16). (iii) Jesus is pictured as the one who will gather the wheat but burn up the chaff (v17). (iv) Jesus the one who is God’s salvation (v6)  announced by John (v4).
So how will I respond to this Powerful Son of God who came to save but one day will Judge? It must be by repentance which leads to forgiveness v3, and transformation v8.

REFLECTION: Key in the preaching of John is repentance (v3) which leads to forgiveness (v3) and a changed life (v8). To rely on religious heritage is not sufficient (v8b) when judgement comes (v9). A heart change is needed (v8a). Yes, we all know others who need to repent, but John had a message about repentance for everyone he spoke to. For the crowd “be generous” (v10-11), for the tax collectors “be ethical” (v12-13), for the soldiers “be honest” (v14), and for Herod “be pure” (v19-20). I need to remember that repentance is not patting myself on the back that I have not sinned like others. Repentance is asking God to show me my sin, turning from it and allowing God to change my life so that I can “produce fruit worthy of repentance” (v8)

PRAYER Heavenly Father thank you that you sent Jesus your Son who you loved into this world for my salvation. Thank you that Jesus came to gather the wheat into your barn. I confess that too often I look at the sins of others instead of asking what repentance means for me. Lord open my eyes to see my life as you see it. Teach me to stop judging myself by the standards of others or my ideas, or by comparing myself to those around me. Lord help me to listen to your voice challenging my thoughts and my words and my deeds. Show me the ways I have been selfish, unethical, dishonest or immoral. Lord grant me a humble and repentant heart that I might know your forgiveness. Work in my life and my church family by the power of your spirit, so those signs worthy of repentance will be seen in generosity, uprightness, honesty and purity. I ask this tor Your good and Your glory. In Jesus hame. Amen

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Spare a thought for the parents (Ch 2)

Luke Chapter 2 

INTRODUCTION: A rich Chapter indeed. (i) v1-20 - Those wonderful and familiar verses about the birth of Jesus and the shepherds in the fields. “A saviour has been born” v11. (ii) v21-38 - Simeon and Anna those Godly seniors in the temple. Declaring Jesus as “A light for the gentiles” v32 and speaking of him to all who were looking for redemption v38. (iii) v39-52 – As this child who was born grows up strong, wise and full of grace v40.  Even the teachers were amazed at his understanding v47 and he grew in favour with God v52

REFLECTION: Behind all the events of this passage I am struck by the earthly parents of Jesus. How often did they wonder how it would all turn out? That difficult journey of some 70 miles with Mary expecting a baby who was then born in a manger (v4,7). Mary pondering all that happened in her heart (v19). Their humble obedience in naming the child and presenting him at the temple (v21-23, 39). Their faithfulness in family worship in particular that journey each year to Jerusalem (v41). How must they have felt when they lost Jesus (v45) and when they did not understand him (v50). In all the challenges of parenting Mary “treasured all these things in her heart” (v51). While there is much we don’t know about those years and how it was for Mary and Joseph we see that steady faithfulness and heartfelt love for Jesus and trust in God that all of us who are parents (or grandparents) need.

PRAYER: Lord thank you for those of the next generations that you have brought into our lives. We pray for those you have given us responsibility for and the opportunity to influence. In those times when the journey is hard, strengthen us to keep going. Help us to be an example of faithfulness to them in our worship and obedience. In those moments when we feel they are lost and we do not understand them, teach us how to keep them in our hearts. Lord work in our hearts to build that steady faithfulness and heartfelt love so we might be used by you in the lives of others. In Jesus Name we pray AMEN

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Zechariah 'Real Faith' (Ch 1)

Luke Chapter 1  

INTRODUCTION: In some 80 verses Luke introduces four people and the verses that struck me were Zechariah (v18 - He had questions and doubts and faith), Elizabeth (v43 – In her great blessing she is thankful and humble), Mary (v47- She rejoices in her saviour Jesus) and John (v16 – the effect of his life bringing people back to God). Below is my reflection on Zechariah – perhaps you focused on another one or what this chapter says about Jesus the coming savour or God who is sovereign over everything. Feel free to share or comment

REFLECTION: Zechariah – Who despite the devastation of having no family v7 continued to walk close to God v6 and serve God faithfully v8. As he does God appears to him v11, yes he had faltering faith v20 but out of his continued obedience v63, he is filled with the Holy Spirit and praises God for sending a saviour v68-79

PRAYER: Lord even when life seems to be a series of shattered dreams and unanswered prayers help me to keep close to you in my walk and service. Lord, when you speak, forgive my faltering faith, help me to learn it is not the size of my faith but the God I put my faith in that matters. Today as I bring those dreams and prayers again to you open my eyes to see your answer and most of all to rejoice in Jesus our saviour as you work in my heart by the power of your spirit. In Jesus Name AMEN

Monday, 30 November 2020

Christmas 2020 - Reading Luke a Chapter a Day

 More certain about Jesus - Luke Ch 1v3-4 

We invite you to join us as we read that orderly account Luke wrote to make us more certain about Jesus. (Luke Ch 1v3-4) Each day we plan to share a few reflections as we enjoy the blessing of God speaking through his word.