Saturday, 12 December 2020

What are you afraid of? (Ch 12)

 Luke Chapter 12

SUMMARY:  Five words summarise this chapter - Fear, Foolish, Faith, Faithfulness, Friendship
Fear - v1-3 Something we often fail to fear but should - hypocrisy
Fear - v4-7 Sometimes we fear the wrong person - the Devil, rather than live in awe of our God who cares.
Fear - v8-12 Often we fear speaking up for Jesus - don't and the Holy Spirit will help us.

Foolish - v13-21 A man described as being so poor he had nothing but money - how foolish he was.

Faith - v22-34 Let worry give way to faith in our God who knows and provides.

Faithfulness - v35-48 Be faithful in using what God has entrusted to us in time, talents, finance, and opportunity.

Friendship - v49-59 Jesus brings spiritual division between those who know him and don't v51 but always seek to be reconciled when we can v58

How often am I afraid of the wrong things? I don't see the danger of my hypocritical attitudes, of favouritism, shown, of self-interest served, of saying yes to some and no to others.
How often am I more concerned about my physical well-being than for my spiritual health? I wonder how much time I spend thinking, talking and acting on each.
How often when it comes to speaking for Jesus do I hesitate because of what others might think? A
s our society turns from God and turns against God, will I continue to share what is becoming an increasingly strange message?

PRAYER: Loving Heavenly Father thank you that perfect love casts out all fear and that your love for me is just that - perfect. I never need to be afraid when you are with me may I know your presence today.
Father as I rest secure in your love, teach me to be aware of those things that are a danger for me and for your Glory - my hypocrisy. Lord, so often I am blind to the ways I say one thing and then do another, how I have rules for one person and different ones for another, the times when I expect more of others than of myself - open my eyes, help me to repent and to honour you with a consistent life. 
Father forgive me for the times when I am more concerned about what might affect my body and show less regard for what will affect my soul. Teach me to treasure the real world more than the physical world, to live in the light of eternity each day.
Father thank you for the Hold Spirit and that you have promised to give us the power and courage and words when we speak for you. Lord today give us the opportunity to share what you mean to us with others. 
In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

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