Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Focus on the big things? (Ch 9)

Luke Chapter 9

v1-9 The work of teaching and healing continues as the disciples are sent out.
v10-17 The sign performed points us again to who Jesus is.
v18-27 The big question is asked and answered by Peter and Jesus explains what it means.
v28-36 The big question is answered by God.
v37-43 The big question is answered by action.
v44-45 Jesus speaks again of the big reason he came (v22) and is not understood.
v46-62 The disciples, the samaritans and three men are all sidetracked by little things. 

REFLECTION: How often is my time and energy is spent on little things.
Who is Jesus? - that is the big question.
Why was he handed over to suffer? That was the big reason he came.
Every time I argue out of pride, every time I shun someone because of where they are going, every time I say to Jesus "first let me..." I have lost sight of the big question and the big reason that shapes everything. 
Jesus is "The Christ of God" the promised Messiah, and Jesus came to be handed over, to die and to rise again. So that we might deny self, take up our cross and follow him, and so in loosing our life save it. Today will I focus on the big things? 

PRAYER: Heavenly Father we thank you Jesus you son who you sent for us. Thank you that he suffered, was rejected, killed and rose agin for us. Forgive me for the many times my mind, heart and dreams are filled with little things and big things are pushed out. Show me today what it means for me to 'deny self', 'take up my cross' and 'follow Jesus'. Lord, when I am tempted to set my heart on gaining the world, remind me that to save my life I need to loose it for Jesus. May I never be ashamed of Jesus but speak clearly for him in all I do and say. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

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