Saturday, 19 December 2020

Who is King for you? (Ch 19)

 Luke Chapter 19

SUMMARY:  Will we have Jesus as our King?
v1-9 - A sinner welcomes the King (v6) and is saved (v9)
v11-27 - Some didn't want that king (v14) and are killed (v27)
v28-44 - The crowd shout for the King (v38) and don't know what it means (v41)
v45- The people hang on every word of the King (v48)

REFLECTION: This chapter has king Jesus in view. Not everyone welcomed Jesus or wanted him to be their King. That sinner Zacchaeus welcomed Jesus and was saved. Jesus had come to seek and to save the lost like him v10. Soon the people will welcome Jesus into Jerusalem as King v38, and there are those who will seek to kill Jesus v47. So Jesus tells this powerful parable because "the people thought the kingdom of God was going to appear at once". Jesus would be king but not at that moment first he must go away and return v12. What that means is hidden from their eyes but it will bring them peace v41. Jesus had talked about it in Ch 18v31-34. Jesus would die and rise again and build his kingdom in the hearts and lives of all who trust in him. Those who seek him as king will know salvation and reward when he returns as king. Those who did not want him to be king over them will face death. Who is king for you? are we found today hanging on every word of JESUS v48? 

Heavenly Father, we come to you and to Jesus as King. Thank you that we now know what would bring peace. Jesus went to his death for us and came back from the dead so that we can know forgiveness and peace with you. Thank you that Jesus is building his kingdom in the lives of all who submit to his rule today. Thank you that when he returns to rule and reign over all things, we will enter into our reward. Lord help us as we eagerly await, to hang on every word of Jesus and to use every gift you have given us, for you Glory. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

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