Sunday, 20 December 2020

What is the real question? (20)

 Luke Chapter 20

SUMMARY:  A chapter full of questions - mainly for those who are asking.
v1-8 - What authority does Jesus have? What about John?
v9-19 - What is this parable really about, and who is the son?
v20-26 - Can they trap Jesus with clever questions about money and politics?
v27-39 - Will Jesus get drawn into their abstract theological discussions?
v41-47 - Will they find an answer to Jesus or just keep to hollow pretence?

In v1-8 - Jesus is asked about this authority? Jesus then asks what they think about John?
It seems Jesus won't answer them if they won't answer him (v8) - but read on ...
In v9-19 is the answer, and the question it leaves us is simple. What will you do with the son? 

We can challenge the authority of Jesus as he lays claim to be king in our lives - but he is the son and the heir. What will you do with the son? 
We can try all kinds of tricks, political division, logical contradiction,...  to avoid the question but it is still there. 
What will you do with the son? 
When will we stop the questions (v39) and listen to Jesus? - He is God the Son (v44) 

Heavenly Father, as we come to you we confess that so often we are quick to questions and slow to listen. We are swift to challenge and find it hard to submit. Thank you that Jesus is God the Son, he has authority over us, forgive us for the many times we ant to rule our own lives and turn away from your way for us. Help us to stop questioning and to listen. We pray for all who fill the silence with endless questions and so avoid hearing the call of Jesus. Today may they reach the end of questions and find in Jesus the answer. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

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