Monday, 7 December 2020

What is my attitude to Jesus? (Ch 7)

Luke Chapter 7

INTRODUCTION – Notice all the attitudes to Jesus in this chapter. (i) v1-5 The Jewish elders saw Jesus as a healer they could persuade to help the worthy. (ii) v7-10 The centurion saw himself as unworthy and believed Jesus had authority to speak and it would happen. (ii) v11-15 The widow knew him as the one whose ‘heart went out to her’ and her son had life. (iv) v16-17 The people declared he was a prophet. (v) v18-24 John wanted to be sure Jesus was the ‘one who was to come’ the messiah. (vi) v24-36 The ‘people of this generation’ just wanted Jesus to dance to their tune. (v36-46) Simon wanted to be seen with Jesus but didn’t love Jesus. (vii) v37-50 The sinful woman Loved Jesus.

REFLECTION: What is my attitude to Jesus today?
If I think of my prayers are they my attempt to persuade Jesus to help me because I deserve better? Or do I believe that while I am not worthy his heart is turned towards me and for my good and his glory. Teach me to pray with great faith that Jesus can speak into my life and it will happen.
If I think of my expectations of Jesus, am I unsure of Jesus because he doesn’t fit my idea of a saviour or because he doesn’t dance to the latest tune.
If I think of my heart, how much do I love Jesus? Have we acknowledged our sin (v37), come to Jesus trusting for forgiveness (v48) and not holding back with a thankful heart given Jesus our all (v37-38). When someone loves Jesus like this he says “your faith has saved you; go in peace” (v50).

PRAYER: Heavenly Father I confess that I have seen so many of these attitudes and not just in those around me, in myself.  Forgive me for thinking too little of my sin and so too little of Jesus who gave his life so I could be forgiven. He paid the debt I could not pay, thank your Jesus. Help me to grow in my love for Jesus as I grow in my awareness of his forgiveness and redeeming work in my life. Lord each day as I seek to follow you, forgive me to the time I have simply wanted you to dance to my tune or felt I needed to persuade you someone is worthy of your help. Teach me to rest in Jesus as the one whose heart goes out to people, the one with authority, who give life and peace.   In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

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